User Access Removal
This document covers user access removal after leaving the organisation.
1. Github Access
2. Github Org
3. Service catalogue
4. CircleCI
6. Azure
7. AWS
8. Test Namespaces
9. Test Github Repositories
1. Github Access
To remove github repository access raise PR in hmpps-github-teams repository to remove user from file. This will remove access from repositories and hmpps-developers team .
2. Github Org
To remove user from github ministryofjustice organisation request in #ask-operations-engineering
3. Service catalogue
In service catalogue, Settings -> Users -> Search user by name -> select user -> click on delete.
If any components created by user, delete the components and namespace details from service catalogue.
4. CircleCI contexts
In CircelCI delete the CircleCI Context, Click on organization -> settings -> contexts -> search for context and delete.
For Robot account and repositories deletion, in organization hmpps search for user repositories based on personal projects setup and delete them. Same for Robot accounts and delete them.
6. Azure accounts
For Azure account deletion raise PR in dso-infra-azure-ad needs deletion of account from users-groups/ To process this PR , request in #ask-digital-studio-ops
7. AWS account
For AWS account deletion, contact #ask-cloud-platform team.
8. Test Namespaces
If user had any test namespaces created for testing, raise PR in cloud-platform-environments repository and contact #ask-cloud-platform team.
9. Test Github Repositories
Delete/archive any test repositories created by user.
This page was last reviewed on 06-Dec-2024, next review will be on 06-Mar-2024.Edit this page here.