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Generating your project and build pipeline

The easiest way to create a new application is using the project bootstrapper. This will create everything you need to get your skeleton project into production.

Bootstrapping the project

The Project Bootstrap process is intended to be a straightforward method by which a standard Github repository can be created by entering a few pertinent details into a form on the Developer Portal.

In time, this will include the Cloud Platforms namespace piece (please see here for details) but for now, a new repository can be created as follows.

This will require a number of parameters to be entered (much like those in projects.json) - most of which are mandatory.

Once the form is submitted, it will automatically generate a PR within the hmpps-project-bootstrap repository, and the SRE team will be notified. The PR will be reviewed, and if any changes are required they will get in touch to fix them.

When the PR has been approved and merged, the repository will be automatically created, and the team will let you know it’s ready to go.

  • Find the project on GitHub. (Don’t worry about the instructions in the README - we’ll do that next).
  • Find the project on Developer Portal to make sure the service catalog entries added.
This page was last reviewed on 07-Sep-2024, next review will be on 07-Jan-2024.
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